Selected Quotations by Kamil Idris

A selection of quotations

  • "If you are unable to tolerate the truth confront the lies with courage"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "An enemy in life is confirmation of your personality"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "When men conspire against you wrap yourself in your own integrity and trust in God"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Even if the kingdom of God is already “arranged” you are still the captain of your soul"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "God welcomes our prayers especially when they come with humility"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "My vision for education; to nourish a child’s sense of mystery and wonder"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Wisdom is the perfume of the wise"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "One tree collapses and the whole village worries, while the forest grows silently by itself"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Your thoughts define your character"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "There will be bumps on the road, but the strong march on"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "When men speak badly of you wrap yourself in your own virtue and integrity"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Achievement is the result of determination and self knowledge"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "The worth of a man is judged by the threshold of his anger"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Envy of others is poison to the soul"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Paralysis of the heart leads to paralysis of the mind"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Banish your sins and you banish depression"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Continue with your acts of kindness and charity, even if they go unnoticed"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Perhaps the sky is blue and fair, because we humans are not there"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Wisdom is the wealth of the wise"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Excessive greed is a sign of madness" 

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Successful politician always trusts in his ideals modified by pragmatism"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Duplicity of opposites can win the day"  
    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "The art of influence starts with good manners" 

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Freedom is the pillar of unity"              
    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Ethics are the cement of unity"        
    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Justice is a delicate concept"        
    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Wisdom and violence are unhappy partners"

    Kamil Idris - African philosopher
  • "Hesitation is the enemy of time"     
    Kamil Idris - African philosopher